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BioHygiene All Purpose Sanitiser is the safe way to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, including all types of Coronavirus. Specialist biotechnology provides the ultimate quad action clean that disinfects, deodourises, descales and deep cleans all types of surfaces throughout your workplace. A naturally derived, Quat, Chlorine and Aldehyde free surface sanitiser approved to EN14476, EN1276, EN13697, EN1650 and EN13623 that reduces CO2e, aquatic and human toxicity. This has up to a 15 second kill time and disinfects at up to 1:100. Fragranced with a fresh clean cotton scent for general use meaning it is not suitable for food prep areas. It is HALAL approved with the Halal Monitoring Committee. Not only does this sanitiser offer excellent cleaning effectiveness, this product is made in the UK and is 100% Biodegradable. Cleaner, Leaner and Greener - the perfect combination.
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