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Did you know that when placed in a bin, sanitary waste may contain between 1 million and 10 million harmful bacteria per gram. If an ineffective anti-microbial treatment is used, bacteria levels in the waste can increase to over 100 million per gram in just a few days! The most worrying thing about this is that most anti-microbial treatments on the market don't actually work effectively which means the end user and service operative are left without any protection from potentially pathogenic micro organisms such as E.coli and S.aureus which can breed in the waste. These treatments are also in-effective with respect to malodour control. BIOFORCE is safe and effective anti-microbial powder sachets with proven unequalled anti-microbial performance. Designed for use in sanitary bins, the products protect both end user and service operative against possible infections from micro organisms while providing malodour control. BIOFORCE technology is based upon natural environmentally friendly materials. Independent test data shows that the products' powerful anti-viral ingredients are effective against Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus and HiV. Principal active anti-microbial components are based upon volatile, natural plant extracts, making these environmentally friendly.
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